Kurume University Graduate School of Medicine

The program of training for ICN ( Infection Control Nurse )

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 The report after seminar holding

 28/6/2010 The program seminar of infection control nurse

As a part of this program we invited Mr. Satoshi Imanaka and made a lecture meeting.

He is a member of the special disaster medical care team in S.C.A.T. JAPAN.

While he plays an active part in the real disaster spot, and works energetically to make a lecture meeting,
coordinate or an adviser of the disaster prevention training everywhere in Japan

Date:28th/Jun/Mon./2010 13:0016:00

Place: Kurume university school of nursing lecture room no.1 2nd foor Building A

A lecturer:Mr Satoshi Imanaka

Secretary general of S.C.A.T. JAPAN

British Staffordshire Ambulance Service S.C.A.T. ;special disaster medical care team

Subject:"Correspondence to the special disaster"Bacteria out break,chemical substance,radioation


Lecture scene

lecture scence

Decontamination in the medical institution

The decontamination activity in the medical institution is different from the Self-Defense Force and the member of a rescue party.

About protection for the bioterrorism

  • Types of bacterial , density or it may be achemical terrorism of white powder.
  • Level A is necessary for the hot zone.
  • High efficiency particulate air filter is necessary for a protective clothing of level C.
    European standard P3 class, American standard P100 (a class of the same degree)

Personal Protective Equipment:PPE

Lebel A-The highest level of chemical protection. It includes a positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and a fully encapsulating chemical-resistant suit.

Lebel B-Includes SCBA, but lesser protection against skin exposure since the suit need not be fully encapsulating.

Lebel D-Consists of common work clothes that do not provide any specific respiratory or skin protection.

Lebel C PPE

Includes an air-purifying respirator and non-encapsulating chemical- resistant suit, gloves, and boots.

The threat of the chemical disaster

  • Chemical terrorism by the terrorist who happened the reality by the sarin subway attacks in Tokyo.
  • Disaster of the toxic chemical substance manufacturing facility,the storehouse.
  • Ttransport by the truck and railroad of the toxic chemical substance.

Zoning in the chemical disaster

  • Spot decontamination

    • By the case of decontamination in front of a hospital,we must think a diferrent way.

Practice:Wearing TST protective clothing unit

Contents of TST protective clothing unit
Contents of TST protective clothing unit

1) Set 6 batteries size C to a battery case.
1) Set 6 batteries size C to a battery case.

2) Set up a battery cassette on a belt.
2) Set up a battery cassette on a belt.

3) Set up the cable of the battery cassette in a blower unit and fasten a rocking.

3) Set up the cable of the battery cassette in a blower unit and fasten a rocking.

4) Remove a cap of the canned multi-model absorption and set up the two in a blower unit.

4) Remove a cap of the canned multi-model absorption and set up the two in a blower unit.

5) Screw it tightly.

5) Screw it tightly.

6) Check the suspender is set to an overall protective clothing.

6) Check the suspender is set to an overall protective clothing.

7) Turn up outer pants.

7) Turn up outer pants.

8) Turn up both sides.

8) Turn up both sides.

9) Put a foot in inner pants to a femoral and adjust the length with a suspender over shoulders.

9) Put a foot in inner pants to a femoral and adjust the length with suspender over shoulders.

Put boots, pull it down to cover up outer pants.

10) Put boots, pull it down to cover up outer pants.

11) Put your arms through the sleeves and pull up a zip. Fix a flap of Velcro.

11) Put your arms through the sleeves and pull up a zip. Fix a flap of Velcro.

12) Put on a belt that comes under the air supply hose. Arrange a blower unit to the right side waist.

12) Put on a belt that comes under the air supply hose. Arrange a blower unit to the right side waist.

13) Push a red button of blower unit and start up it. Check the starting signal sound "pi pi".

13) Push a red button of blower unit and start up it. Check the starting signal sound "pi pi".

14) Open the zipper of the neck seal in the hood and force open a neck seal and catch it with both hands.

14) Open the zipper of the neck seal in the hood and force open a neck seal and catch it with both hands.

15) Put a chin on the lower part of the mask in the hood and put it on while moving a hood from the front to the back.

15) Put a chin on the lower part of the mask in the hood and put it on while moving a hood from the front to the back.

16) Set up the air supply hose in the hood,and fasten a rocking

16) Set up the air supply hose in the hood,and fasten a rocking

17) Close the zipper of the neck seal.

17) Close the zipper of the neck seal.

18) Dip armpits of Velcro of the hood entire surface and keep it again.

18) Dip armpits of Velcro of the hood entire surface and keep it again.

19) Put inner gloves and into a suit.

19) Put inner gloves and into a suit.

20) Pull up the outside cuffs.

20) Pull up the outside cuffs.

21) Put on outer gloves and covered it on the inside cuffs.

21) Put on outer gloves and covered it on the inside cuffs.

22) Covered with the outside cuffs on outer gloves.

22) Covered with the outside cuffs on outer gloves.

23) Completed.

23) Completed.

Practice scene

The state that performs 9 ) processes. Put a foot in inner pants to a femoral and adjust the length with a suspender over a shoulder. The state that peforms 19) processes. Put inner gloves and into a suit
The state that performs 9 ) processes.
Put a foot in inner pants to a femoral and adjust the length with a suspender over a shoulder

The state that peforms 19) processes.

Put inner gloves and into a suit

Completed Taking a memorial photograph with Mr.Satoshi Imanaka (third person on the right).
Taking a memorial photograph with Mr.Satoshi Imanaka
(third person on the right).

Japanese Site

Related facilities

Kurume University

Division of Infection Conrol and Prevention Kurume University Hospital


Kurume University Medical Center

Kurume University School of Medicine

Education Center for the Certified Nurse

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